前田研究室進学をお考えの方へ / How to apply
Acceptance Policy for Foreign Student
We always welcome highly motivated students from all over the world who can enjoy living in Japan and devote to build advanced system for a better society. We basically accept the foreign students who receives MEXT scholarship program, or JASSO scholarship program, or who is a exchange student (i.e. FrontierLab) of Osaka University or affiliate school with Osaka University. In contrast, we do not accept research student such as a student just visiting without taking any regular courses nor credit in Osaka University.
How to apply
If you like to join our lab as a Ph.D. student, or Master student, Please apply and take an entrance exam of our department via ITSCE program. Or you would like to be an exchange student, please read carefully the exchange program.
After you passed these admission exam, let us know your resume, transcript and study plan to admission [ at ] hiel.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp for our consideration.
Supplemental Materials
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