前田太郎 国際会議論文
- S. Tachi, H. Arai, T. Maeda: Tele-Existence
Simulator with Artificial Reality(1) - Design and Evaluation of a
Binocular Visual Display Using Solid Models-, IEEE International Workshop
on Intelligent Robot and Systems (IROS'88) , pp.719-724 (1988) pdf
- S. Tachi , H. Arai, T.
Maeda: Robotic
Tele-Existence, NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics , pp.171-180 (1989) pdf
- S. Tachi, H. Arai, T. Maeda: Development of An
Anthropomorphic Tele-Existence Slave Robot, International Conference on
Advanced Mechatronics , pp.385-390 (1989) pdf
- S. Tachi, H.Arai, T. Maeda: Tele-Existence Visual
Display for Remote Manipulation with a Real-time Sensation of Presence,
20th International Symposium on Industrial Robots (20th ISIR) , pp.427-434
(1989) pdf
- S. Tachi, H. Arai, T. Maeda: Tele-Existence Master
Slave System for Remote Manipulation, IEEE International Workshop on
Intelligent Robots and Systems'90 (IROS'90) , pp.343-348 (1990) pdf
- S. Tachi, H. Arai, T.Maeda: Tele-Existence Master
Slave System for Remote Manipulation (II) , 29th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control , pp.85-90 (1990) pdf
- S. Tachi, H. Arai, T. Maeda, E. Oyama, N.
Tsunemoto, Y. Inoue: Tele-Existence
Experimental System for Remote Operation with a Sensation of Presence, '91
International Symposium on Advanced Robot Technology ('91 ISART) , pp.451-458 (1991) pdf
- S. Tachi, H. Arai and T. Maeda: Measurement and
Control in Tele-existence and Artificial Reality , Proceedings of the 12nd
Triennial World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation
(ACTA IMEKO 1991), pp.1241-1248, 1991 [Invited Keynote Paper] pdf
- S. Tachi, H.Arai, T.Maeda: Tele-Existence Master
Slave System for Remote Manipulation, IEEE 1991 International Conference on Robotics and
Automation Video Proceedings, 1991.[VIDEO]
- S. Tachi, H. Arai, T. Maeda, E. Oyama, N.
Tsunemoto, Y. Inoue: Tele-Existence in Real World and Virtual World, IEEE
Fifth International Conference on Advanced Robotics ('91 ICAR ) , pp.193-198
(1991) pdf
- S. Tachi, H. Arai and T. Maeda: Tele-existence: An
Advanced Remote Operation System with a Sensation of Presence, 11th Structural Mechanics in Reactor
Technology (SMiRT-11)
Transactions, pp.325-330 (1991) pdf
- T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Space Perception Model which Generates
Horopter, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks ,
pp.1426-1433 (1991) pdf
- E. Oyama, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: A Study of Human Hand Position Control
Learning-Output Feedback Inverse Model, International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks, pp.1435-1443 (1991) pdf
- T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Development
of Light-Weight Binocular Head-Mounted Display, International Symposium on
Measurement and Control in Robotics, pp.281-288 (1992) pdf
- T.
Maeda, S. Tachi: Sensory
Integration for Space Perception Based on Scalar Learning Rule, International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks, pp.1317-1320 (1993) pdf
- S. Tachi, T. Maeda, R. Hirata, H. Hoshino:
A Construction Method of Virtual Haptic Space, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Tele-Existence (ICAT '94), pp.131-138, (1994.) pdf
- H. Hoshino, R.
Hirata, T.
Maeda, S.
Tachi: A Construction Method of Virtual
Haptic Space (II) -A Shape Model of an Object in Virtual Environment
Suitable for Representing Shape with Surfaces and Edges, Proceedings of
International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Tele-Existence/Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
(ICAT/VRST '95) , pp.211-220 (1995) pdf
- S. Tachi, T. Maeda, Y.
Yanagida, M.
Koyanagi, H.
Yokoyama: A Method of Mutual
Tele-Existence in a Virtual Environment, Proceedings of The 6th
International Conference On Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence
(ICAT'96) , pp.9-18 (1996) pdf
- T. Suzuki, T. Maeda, T. Chinzei, K. Mabuchi, I. Fujimasa, S. Tachi: A Regeneration Microelectrode
for The Control of Artificial Organs and Prosthetic Devices, XXIII
- S. Tachi, T. Maeda, H. Hoshino: Construction
Experiment of Virtual Haptic Space Approximation Device, IMEKO World
Congress New Measurments-Challenges and Vision, pp61-66, (1997) pdf
- M. Inami,N. Kawakami, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: MEDIA3 : the Virtual Hologram, Conference Abstracts and Applications of Siggraph '97 , pp.107 (1997) pdf
- N. Kawakami, M. Inami, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Proposal for the Object-Oriented Display:
The Design and Implementation of the MEDIA3, Proceedings
of The 7th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Tele-Existence (ICAT'97) ,
pp.57-62 (1997) pdf
- M. Inami, N. Kawakami, T. Maeda, Y. Yanagida, S.
Tachi: A Stereoscopic
Display with Large Field of View Using Maxwellian Optics, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Tele-Existence (ICAT'97) ,
pp.71-76 (1997) pdf
- T. Nara, T. Maeda, Y. Yanagida, S. Tachi: Tactile Display Using Elastic Waves, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium , pp.43-50 (1998)
- Y. Miyawaki, R. Hayashi, Y. Yanagida, T. Maeda, S.
Tachi: The
Characteristics of Two Negative Peaks on Visual Evoked Potentials with
Depth Perception, The 9th World Congress of the
International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography , pp.87 (1998)
- T. Maeda, S. Tachi: A consideration of perceptual-motor
coordination with active and passive movements, International
Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.865-868 (1998) pdf
- T. Nara, T. Maeda, Y. Yanagida, S. Tachi: A
Tactile Display Using Elastic Waves in a Tapered Plate, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Tele-Existence, pp.109-116
(1998) pdf
- Y. Kunita, M. Inami, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Real-Time Rendering System of Moving
Objects, Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Workshop on
Multi-View Modeling and Analysis of Visual Scenes, Colorado
, pp.1-8 (1999) pdf
- M. Inami, N. Kawakami, D. Sekiguchi, T. Maeda, S.
Tachi: Head-Mounted
Projector, Conference Abstracts and Applications
of Siggraph '99, pp.179 (1999) pdf
- M. Inami, N. Kawakami, D. Sekiguchi, Y. Yanagida,
T. Maeda, S. Tachi, K. Mabuchi: Head-Mounted
Projector for Projection of Virtual Environments on Ubiquitous
Object-Oriented Retroreflecteve Screens in Real Environment, Conference Abstracts and Applications of Siggraph '9, pp.245 (1999) pdf
- Y. Miyawaki, R. Hayashi, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: The
Lower and Higher Level Responses in Visual Evoked Potentials with Depth
Perception, Society for Neuroscience, p. 679 (1999)
- T. Maeda, Y. Yanagida, S. Tachi: Redefinition for Active and Passive
Movements on Visual Reaching Tasks, Proceedings
of Society for Neuroscience,
pp. 1911 (1999)
- M. Ohkura, Y. Yanagida, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Measurement of Auditory Alley in Virtual
Environment and Its Mathematical Model, IEEE-SMC
'99 Abstracts, pp.434 (1999) pdf
- N. Kawakami, M. Inami, D. Sekiguchi, Y. Yanagida,
T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Object-Oriented
Displays: A New Type of Display Systems -From immersive display to
Object-Oriented Displays, IEEE-SMC '99 Abstracts, pp.1066-1069 (1999) pdf
- G. Dong, Y. Yanagida, N. Kawakami, T. Maeda, S.
Tachi: Construction of
Real-time Augmented Reality System with Switching of RGB video Signal, Proceedings of the ICAT '99 (9th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Telexistence) , pp.43-49 (1999) pdf
- T. Nojima, M. Inami, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Applying
an 'encounter type' haptic display to telexistence, Proceedings of the ICAT '99 (9th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Telexistence) , pp.68-72 (1999) pdf
- H. Kajimoto, N. Kawakami, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Tactile Feeling Display using Functional
Electrical Stimulation, Proceedings of the ICAT '99 (9th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Telexistence) , pp.107-114 (1999)[Best
Paper Prize] pdf
- Y. Yanagida, A. Mitsuhashi, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Implementation of Fixed-screen-based
Telexistence Visual System, Proceedings of the
ICAT '99 (9th International
Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence) , pp.123-130 (1999) pdf
- Y. Yanagida, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: A Method of Constructing a Telexistence
Visual System Using Fixed Screens, Proceedings
of IEEE Virtual Reality 2000
, pp.117-125 (2000) pdf
- M. Inami, N. Kawakami, D. Sekiguchi, Y. Yanagida,
T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Visuo-Haptic
Display Using Head-Mounted Projector, Proceedings
of IEEE Virtual Reality 2000
, pp.233-240 (2000) pdf
- M. Inami, N. Kawakami, D. Sekiguchi, Y. Yanagida,
T. Maeda, and S. Tachi: X'tal Head: Face-to-Face Communication by Robot,
Conference Abstracts and Applications of SIGGRAPH 2000, New Orleans,
U.S.A., p. 99 (2000.7) pdf
- R. Hayashi, Y. Miyawaki, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: PROBING THE TIME COURSE OF DISPARITY
of ARVO 2000 (2000)
- T. Maeda, E. Oyama, S. Tachi: A consideration for the inclination of the
vertical horopter against the geometrical structure of Luneburg
theory, Proceedings of Society for Neuroscience, pp.354, 688.6 (2000)
- T. Nara, M. Takasaki, T. Maeda, T. Higuchi, S. Ando,
and S. Tachi: Surface Acoustice Wave (SAW) Tactile Display Based on
Properties of Mechanoreceptors, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2001, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 13-20 (2001.3)
- Y. Kunita, N. Ogawa, A. Sakuma, M. Inami, T. Maeda,
and S. Tachi: Immersive Autostereoscopic Display for Mutual Telexistence:
TWISTER I (Telexistence Widw-Angle Immersive STEReoscope Model I),
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2001, Yokohama, Japan,
pp. 31-36 (2001.3) [Best Paper Award] pdf
- T. Maeda, J. Watanabe, E. Oyama, S. Tachi: The vertical horopter tilts forward
asymmetrically against the geometrical structure of Luneburg 's
theory, Proceedings of ARVO 2001, pp.90 (2001)
- T. Maeda, E. Oyama, S. Tachi: Why is Binocular Visual Space Distorted
Compared To Physical Space? , Proceedings of CNS
*01 (2001)
- T. Kaneko, T. Takahei, M. Inami, N. Kawakami, Y. Yanagida,
T. Maeda and S. Tachi: Detailed Shape Representation with Parallax
Mapping, Proceedings of the ICAT2001(11th International Conference on
Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence), Tokyo, Japan,
pp. 205-208 (2001.12) pdf
- Y. Yanagida, S. Saito, T. Maeda and S. Tachi: A
Head-Tracked, Live-Video-Based Telexistence System Using a Fixed Screen,
Proceedings of the ICAT2001(11th International Conference on Artificial
Reality and Tele-Existence), Tokyo,
Japan, pp.
42-47 (2001.12) pdf
- T. Maeda, E. Oyama, H. Ando, S. Tachi: The spatial perception of continuous
curves in discrete light spot stimuli, Proceedings
of Vision ScienceS Society 2nd Annual Meeting (2002)
- H. Ando, T. Miki, M. Inami, T. Maeda: SmartFinger Nail-Mounted Tactile Display, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Abstracts and Applications , pp.78 (Emerging Technologies) (2002) pdf
- H. Ando, T. Miki, M. Inami, T. Maeda: The Nail-Mounted Tactile Display for the
behavior modeling, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Abstracts
and Application , pp.264 (2002) pdf
- T. Maeda, H. Ando, M. Sugimoto, J. Watanabe, T.
Miki: Wearable Robotics
as a Behavioral Interface -The Study of the Parasitic Humanoid, Proc of 6th International Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp.145-151 (2002) pdf
- H. Ando, K. Obana, M. Sugimoto, T. Maeda: A wearable force display based on brake
change in angular momentum, Proc of 12th
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, pp.16-21 (2002) pdf
- J. Watanabe, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: The time course of localization errors for
repeatedly flashing stimuli through a saccade, Proceedings
of Vision ScienceS Society 3rd Annual Meeting (2003)
- T. Maeda, H. Ando, M. Sugimoto: The spatial deviation of reaching to the
same point under the different gaze directions, Proceedings
of Vision ScienceS Society 3rd Annual Meeting (2003)
- J. Watanabe, H.
Ando, D. Sekiguchi, T. Madea, S. Tachi: The study of remote saccade sensing system
based on retroreflective feature of the retina, Proceedings
of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Telexistence, pp.77-82 (2003) pdf
- T. Maeda, H. Ando, M. Sugimoto: Vection and bodily movementwith large
screen imagery and galvanic vestibular stimulation, Proceedings of Vision ScienceS Society 4th Annual Meeting, pp.77-82 (2004)
- J. Watanabe, T. Tavata, A. Maria, H. Ando, T. Maeda, S. Tachi: Illusory Interactive Performance by Self
Eye Movement, Siggraph2004 Conference DVDROM
Sketches "Intermedia Perforence (2004) [DVD] pdf
- T. Maeda, H. Ando: Wearable Scanning Laser Projector (WSLP), Sketch & Proceedings of SIGGRAPH2004 (2004) [DVD]
- T. Maeda, H. Ando: Wearable scanning laser projector (WSLP)
for augmenting shared space, Proceedings of
ICAT2004, pp.277-282
- E. Oyama, T. Maeda, A. Agah, S. Tachi: Robots for
Telexistence and Telepresence: from Science Fiction to Reality, Proceedings of ICAT2004,
pp.441--448 (2004)
- T. Maeda, H. Ando, M. Sugimoto: Virtual acceleration with Galvanic
Vestibular Stimulation in a virtual reality environment, Proceedings of IEEE VR2005,
pp289-290 (2005) pdf
- T. Amemiya, H. Ando,
T. Maeda: Virtual Force Display:Direction Guidance using Asymmetric
Acceleration via Periodic Translational Motion, In Proc. of IEEE World
Haptics Conference 2005, pp. 619-622 (2005) pdf
- H. Ando, T. Amemiya, J.
Watanabe, M. Inami, T. Maeda: The Evaluation valuation of Nail of
Nail-Mounted Tactile Display Mounted Tactile Display, In Proc. of IEEE
World Haptics Conference 2005 (2005)
- T. Maeda, H. Ando, T. Amemiya, M. Sugimoto, N. Nagaya, M. Inami: Moving You, Shaking the World: Galvanic
Vestibular Stimulation As A Novel Sensation Interface, Emerging Technology & Proceedings of SIGGRAPH2005 (2005)
[Technical Exhibition]
- T. Maeda, E. Oyama, S. Tachi: A statistical explanation of visual and
kinesthetic space with a learning restriction: Independent scalar learning
for each summation model, Proceedings of 28-th European Conference
on Visual Perception (2005)
- J. Watanabe, H. Ando, T. Maeda: Shoe-shaped Interface for Inducing a
Walking Cycle, Proceedings of the 15th International
Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, pp.30-34 (2005) pdf
- H. Ando, J. Watanabe, T. Amemiya, T. Maeda: Study of Saccade-incident Information
Display using Saccade Detection Device, Proceedings
of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Telexistence, pp.119-124
- T. Amemiya, H. Ando, T. Maeda: Phantom-DRAWN: Direction Guidance using Rapid and Asymmetric Acceleration Weighted
by Nonlinearity of Perception, Proc.
of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, pp.201-208 (2005) pdf
- T. Amemiya, H. Ando, T. Maeda: Perceptual Attraction Force; The Sixth Force, Proc. of the 33th
International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2006
Full-Conference DVD-ROM Emerging Technologies)
(2006)[DVD] pdf
- H. Ando, J. Watanabe, M. Nakatani, T. Amemiya, T. Maeda: Novel Tactile Contour Presentation:
Embossed Touch Display, ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 (2006) pdf
- H. Ando, T. Amemiya, T. Maeda, M. Nakatani, J. Watanabe: Embossed Touch Display -illusory
elongation and shrinking of tactile objects, ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 (2006) pdf
- T. Amemiya, H. Ando, T. Maeda: Directed Force Perception When Holding a
Nongrounding Force Display in the Air, In Proc. of EuroHaptics 2006,
pp.317-324 (2006) pdf